What is the best way to wax your dreadlocks? - Dreadlocks FAQ's

Please also see how much dread wax should be used.

Here are some important  pointers for applying dread wax.

  1. Do not add Dread Wax to a dread that already has a detectable amount of wax.

  2. Do not talk about Fight Club.

  3. Always rub the wax between your thumb and forefinger to warm it up and get it cree-may.. This smoothes it out and softens it up so it can spread and penetrate. (THATSOUNDSDIRTY) If you don't do this you'll have a hard time with step number 4

  4. Apply the wax evenly to 3" of the dread at a time. Pulling the wax in the direction of the hair (towards the tip)

  5. Work the Dread Wax in before moving to the next 3"

  6. After the Dread Wax is worked in use a hair dryer to melt the wax in fully. Remove any liquid Dread Wax on the surface of the dread with a paper towel.

  7. After the wax is melted in, palm roll for one minute. This will compress the knots and allow the Dread Wax to begin assisting the locking process

Please also see how much dread wax should be used.